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Abbreviations commonly used in prescriptions and medication order

 Abbreviations commonly used in prescriptions and medication order

o.d/q.d             = once a day

a.u.                  = each ear

a.m                  = morning

aa.                   = of each

ac.                   = before meal

ad                    = up to                  = twice a day

BP                   = British pharmacopoeia

IP                     = Indian pharmacopocia

C                      = with

ex. aq.              = in water

Gtt.                  = Drop

Tbsp.                = table spoonful

SC, subc or subq. = sub- cutaneously

SS.                   = one-half

S.O.S                = if needed or when necessary

Tsp.                  = tea spoonful

USP                 = united states Pharmacopoeia

h.s                   = at bedtime/before sleep

h. or hr.           = hour

JVPB               = intravenous piggy back

NF                   = National formulary

NMT                 = Not more than

NPO                 = Nothing by mouth

P.C.                  = after meals

p.m.                  = afternoon; evening

P.O.                  = by mouth

P.r.n                 = When required

Pulv                 = Powder

q.n.                  = Every hour

q.o.d                 = Every other day

q.s                   = a sufficient quantity to make.

RL                    =Ringer's lactate.

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